Let's imagine - you're on the phone with a shipper and they tell you that they move automotive parts from Detroit, MI to Chattanooga, TN on dry vans weekly.
You send them a quote for what you would haul it for, and you lose it.
7 months go by and you consistently have dry vans going into Detroit and those carriers are looking to go South.
You know you had a conversation with a shipper about Detroit to Chattanooga, but you forget because you either put that information in a spreadsheet, a notebook, or you put it as a note in a generic CRM.
You aren't able to search anywhere to find this shipper.
Salesdash helps you solve this problem by allowing you to capture lanes for both shippers and carriers. Generic CRMs do not allow you to 1) capture lanes and 2) they don't have a carrier side to their CRM.
Watch the 3 minute video above to learn more on how simple this is in Salesdash.
While you're here, how about a free resource for you? Here's a pdf of inbound and outbound shipping volumes by state in the US.
Check out the simplicity of Salesdash's CRM for freight brokers to organize your sales process
and prevent opportunities from falling through the cracks.